Free PSD A4 Paper MockUp For Flyers
Mock-up play a major role in graphic designing. It is commonly use to give the final presentation of any design. Mock-up has the full identity and specifications of a design that is necessary for deliver the whole concept to the seeker. Now this substance has become a necessity for the publication of every product design. Basically it makes the final look and impression to the clients and describes the whole concept of the specific design. Every mock-up that is designed has always the guidelines of the task for which it is made for.
Today we designed the most elegant and flawless Free PSD A4 Paper Mock-Up. This mock-up is specially designed to give the final presentation of any flyer. The PSD file have the smart-layer, which help you to get the desire result. You can change the background and make changes according to your requirement.
Free PSD A4 Paper Mock-Up For Flyers
File Type: Psd
Dimensions: 3000×2000 Pixels
Smart-layer: Yes
Mock-up File Format: WinRar
Mock-up File Extract only with: WinRar
Mock-up File Size: 2.36 Mb
Free to use personally and commercially, but link-back to website is compulsory.